Goal Setting and Individual Professional Development Plan Form

Hi everyone,

Please add a few dot points to each area below as you see fit.  There is no right or wrong answer and you may or may not have much to add – it is totally up to you.  We want this to be easy for you, so we are only looking for a couple of dot points – similar to what Shahrin has added below.

Here is a link to my video about this in case you missed it.

Our objective is to seek your input into what you hope to achieve during your time with MHF.

It is important your goals align with Shahrin’s.  His goals are as follows:

We will combine this feedback with your normal roles and responsibilities set out in your position description and any mandatory training to create an Individual Professional Development Plan that Shahrin can support you with over the coming months.

Thank you, we will be in touch to arrange a quick catch up soon.


Employee Professional Development Plan

"*" indicates required fields

What are the 2-3 things you can set as your goals, that will help Shahrin achieve his goals?*
Please just put a few dot points.
What supports (training, resources, professional development etc) do you think you might need to help you achieve these goals?*
Please just put a few dot points.
Do you think there might be barriers that will get in the way of you achieving these goals? If so, what are they?*
Please just put a few dot points.
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