Join us in celebrating Schizophrenia Awareness Week and help us bust myths and reduce stigma
A massive 50% of people with schizophrenia in Australia simply do not receive the support they desperately need.
1 in 100 people in Australia currently lives with schizophrenia.
It is estimated at least half the people in Australia who have severe or complex mental health conditions now do not have any access to support which would help them with their recovery.
Over 150,000 people with severe and complex mental illness still do not have any kind of support in the community to enable them to live well and independently.
Up to 50% of people with schizophrenia attempt suicide.
The life expectancy for people with schizophrenia is up to 19 years less than other people … and this huge gap is continuing to widen.
People with serious mental health conditions may end up at a very serious risk of homelessness, social isolation, poor physical health, poverty and with numerous other issues.
Recent research has revealed people who live with psychosis now experience higher rates of heart disease, kidney disease, stroke, epilepsy, asthma, diabetes, arthritis and more.
There are many ridiculous myths about schizophrenia … such as people with schizophrenia are violent; have a split personality; cannot hold onto a job or never recover.
People wanting support in a safe and secure on-line environment should simply go to
Help is available from GPs, psychologists, psychiatrists, allied health professionals and community mental health organisations like Mental Health Foundation (ACT)