Supported Independent Living

What is Supported Independent Living (SIL)?

Living in the community is often the goal of many people with a mental illness and SIL allows you the freedom of choice regarding where you live in a group setting. It helps to lead the way to independence.

You will live in homes throughout the community, in a shared house, and participate in society just as anyone else would. You are supported to receive necessary services in your home and community. This allows for more personal choices and for you to express yourself as an individual.

Supported Independent Living provides:

• Daily living skills
• Self-care
• Household management
• Financial management
• Social activities and recreation

Supported Independent Living is:

• Funded individually to each person according to their need
• Shared living arrangements of 2-3 participants
• Assistance with daily life tasks in a group or shared living environment
• Reflective of 24hour care, 7 days/week
• Three levels of support (at benchmark price)
• Cost of support does NOT include rent, board or lodging, day to day usual living expenses such as food and activities, personal care supports when the person is hospitalised, or items covered in other sections of NDIS price guide (e.g. assistive technology or transport costs)

You are encouraged to be involved in the development of the house rules and the employment of staff in your home.

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